Understanding the Liturgy

Liturgy is a term derived from the Greek, leitourgia, which means working together. This implies working together and worship of God and the implementation of love, and in general terms the liturgy more widely used in the Christian tradition, among other Catholics. More or less comparable to the prayer in congregation in harmony both on feast days and Fridays and pray five times each day to Muslims (see: Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, hal.582-3).
In the liturgy of the Catholic Church
Liturgy is the activity of Christ Plenary, in Latin Christus totus, or Christ entirely, which is Christ in heaven as the head and the whole church that still exist in the world, the Church which is the Body of Christ, the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God.
Liturgy of the Sacraments
First of all is the liturgy of the sacraments: baptism, chrism, the Eucharist, confession, anointing of the sick, holy orders and marriage; the summit and source of the liturgy of the sacrament is the Eucharist or Mass. Vatican II states: “liturgical ceremony is not an individual act, but rather a celebration of the whole Church as the sacrament of unity, namely the holy people who gathered with Bishop” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 26). So “As a joint celebration with the presence of many people participate actively, should be emphasized, that this form takes precedence over individual personal worship” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 27).
Liturgy celebrated by using various signs and symbols, both derived from human experience, sign the “Agreement” between God and His people, the signs are appointed by Christ, and the sacramental signs, which all refer to the salvation that comes from Christ , described and sampled in the present glory of heaven. Also by using words (especially in the Liturgy of the Word in which the Scriptures were read and ponder) and action (associated with each Sacrament: eg baptism, anointing oil, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the laying on of hands). With singing and music, and sacred images, such as icons.
Future Liturgy
Throughout the year the Church celebrates the saving work of God in sacred memory. Once a week on Sundays, which is called the Day of the Lord. Once a year the Church celebrates the Lord’s resurrection on Easter day, together with the passion and death of the rescue. Once a year the Church celebrates the birth of the Lord (Christmas). Memories that become a way of life every day with a certain pattern. Then there Period (Circle) associated with the Christmas Liturgy, there Period (Circle) relating to the Easter Liturgy, and there Ordinary Time. Entirely set with full liturgical year, which begins with Advent, Christmas Period, Ordinary Time, Part I, Future Lent, Easter period, and Ordinary Time Part II concludes with the Feast of Christ the King of the Universe.
Day of the Lord
Sunday is a day where people gather to celebrate the liturgy, “to listen to the Word of God and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, in memory of the passion, resurrection and glory of the Lord Jesus, and give thanks to God” (Sacrosanctum Concilium No. 106).
Warning Saints
In the annual cycle, the Church celebrates the memorial of martyrs and saints as Easter celebration of God in them “who have suffered and glorified with Christ. Church exposing their example to the faithful in the draw all people to God the Father through Christ, and on the rewards received the martyrs and saints, the Church begs the gifts of God “(Sacrosanctum Concilium No. 104).
Liturgy of the Hours (Horarium)
Horarium is the prayer of the whole Church. Everyone took part in it according to its place in the Church and according to the status of his life: priests, monks and nuns, and laity according to the possibilities that exist in them. Liturgy of the Hours can be done together or individually. Liturgy of the Hours as if it is a continuation of the celebration of the Eucharist.
Rites or rituals in the liturgical celebration of different shows typical mystery of Christ riches displayed in the liturgical tradition of diverse according to geographical region and culture. But basically rites show keselamatann mystery of Christ that one and the same. Thus the mystery of Christ is communicated to all nations with the culture and language of their own.
Rites and liturgical tradition now used is the Latin Rite (especially the Roman Rite, Ambrose rites and rituals particular order), Byzantine Rite, Rite Alexandrian or Coptic, Syriac Rite, Rite Armenian, Maronite Ritur and Chaldean Rite.
Liturgy and the Arts, Culture
In order for the mystery of salvation of Christ can be delivered and pervasive in every person, then the liturgy must be in accordance with the spirit and culture of each nation (Sacrosanctum Concilium No. 37-40). But be aware of the fact in the liturgy that there are parts that remain, unchanged, because it comes from God, and must be protected the Church (John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Vicesimus Quintus annus, no. 16).