History of GKJTU

North Central Java Christian Church (abbreviated GKJTU) is an organization and the Protestant Church in Indonesia. Residents GKJTU most big spread in Central Java, Northside, and the rest in East Java, especially in the districts. Bojonegoro. GKJTU has nearly 30,000 orangutans Church. GKJTU centered in Salatiga, Central Java.

GKJTU Growing From DIFFERENT churches in Three Places: Semarang, Salatiga And Kendal And Residency Pekalongan. The church in Semarang Growing From NMS missionary work, Hoozoe Yang began his work in 1848. Church in Salatiga Growing From evangelism Yang Posted done Le Jolle And Peter Sadoyo Posted assisted. The church in the area is Kendal and Pekalongan Growing From The mission work done Kyai Posted Sadrach. Church Church Different ITU then woven and nurtured Posted missions known nama Who WITH Zending Salatiga. BECAUSE Posted nurtured Zending Salatiga, then ITU Church, later known as the Order of (Church) Zending Salatiga. ON Date March 17, 1937, Church-Church Salatiga Zending The designation hearts Everyday Hobbies known as "the Great Parepatan" hold Session "Synod" first in Purwodadi. ON Assembly Church in Salatiga Date 20 April 1949 stipulated Being "Christian Church of North Central Java" (GKJTU).