Final home life of Mary

The house was discovered in the 19th century and the end of life is expressed as the home of Mary (Maryam) by a nun Anne Catherine Emmerich named (1774-1824). The last home of Mary (Maryam) that is located in Bulbuldagi in mountain Nightingale, within approximately 7 km Ephesus in Turkey.The story is, In 1811, Anne Catherine Emmerich, who has dedicated his life to God, fell ill in the monastery and had to lay in bed. He heard voices that other people can not hear it. On December 29, 1812, Emmerich was praying in his bed with his arms outstretched, he suddenly shaken by the power of the Divine, and is accompanied by high fever, up to face crimson. Just then, a bright light coming from the top down to him, and when it reached her hands and feet became sore and suddenly covered in blood as if pierced by a nail. People around being stunned with amazement. As if he practice the suffering of Jesus during the Crucifixion. The doctors examine and was amazed. They can not explain this in medical science.Emmerich experienced a vision of Mary left Jerusalem with one of John's disciples, namely, where the period of persecution against Christians, and they came to Ephesus, later he also saw a house near Ephesus who were on a nearby mountain. He said further that the house is the house of the Virgin Mary, the house of stone, built by John, rectangular in plan with rounded rear wall and has a fireplace.Short story, according to Emmerich, the Virgin Mary in his residence was also briefly went back to Jerusalem, but the health condition of Mary also decreased to pain.Under the front page of a spring that is said to be drunk and to treatment. Then there is the wall beside him long enough that we can associate a roll of paper where in the paper roll before we had written (writing can be a prayer, hope, etc.). We can see already quite a lot of people who have linked his paper taped to the wall