History of Bethel Indonesia

GBI stands out as the result of evangelism of Bethel Pentacostal Temple Inc. ', Seattle, Washington, United States, which sent two missionaries, Rev. Van Klaveren and Rev. Groesbeek to Indonesia. Groesbeek preach in Bali later in Cepu and met with Van Gessel. A few years later, Groesbeek moved to Surabaya, and so on to Batavia in 1926. With more and more churches are opened so as to obtain recognition from the Dutch Government under the name De Pinksterkerk in Indonesia. 1932 founded the church in Surabaya, and set up a Bible study entitled "Study of the Tabernacle", which then in 1935 became a Bible School in Surabaya Nibi.On October 6, 1970, in Sukabumi, West Java, Pdt. H.L. Senduk (which is also known as Uncle Ho) and his colleagues formed a new church organization called Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI). The church is officially recognized by the Government by Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 41 dated December 9, 1972.Pdt. H.L. Senduk serve GBI Church assisted by his wife Rev. Petamburan. Helen Theska Senduk, Pdt. Thio Tjong Koan, and Ps. Aaron Sutanto. In 1972, Rev. H.L. Senduk call spiritual son, Pastor. S.J. Mesach and Pdt. Olly Mesach to help the ministry in the Church Petamburan GBI. At that time, Pastor. S.J. Mesach has become Pastor "GBI Church Sukabumi", which has served since 1963. So GBI continues to develop and present not only as a church a national level but has become an international church spread throughout the world.ConfessionCreed Indonesian Bethel Church

I believe that:

Bible Old Testament and the New Testament is the inspired Word of God by the Holy Spirit.

Allah the Almighty that the Triune God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons in one.

Jesus Christ is God's only begotten son born of the Virgin Mary which is shaded by the Holy Spirit, that Jesus was crucified, died, was buried and resurrected on the third day from the dead, that He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as Lord, Savior and Pengatara us.

All men have sinned and lost the glory of God and should repent and turn to God to receive forgiveness of sins.

Justification and new birth occurs through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ of the Holy Spirit.

Everyone who repent should be baptized by immersion in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sanctification is the fruit of the birth of a new life by believing in the blood of Jesus Christ, which is done by the power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, because it is the principle and the principle of the sanctity of Christian living.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit is God's gift to everyone who has purified his heart; early sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues as inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Holy Communion is done each time to confirm our communion with God and one another.

Divine healing is available in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus to all who believe.

The Lord Jesus Christ will descend from Heaven to raise all His people who have died and raised all his people who are still alive and together meet Him in the air, then he will come back with His saints to establish His millennial kingdom on this earth.

In the end all the dead will be resurrected, the righteous will rise in the first resurrection and receive eternal life, but the wicked will rise in the second resurrection and punishment forever.
Source Wikipedia.org