History of Bethany Indonesian Church

Bethany Indonesian Church Synod Standing And not recognized by the Government Operations Official Decree Christian Religious Affairs Director General Guidance No. DJ.III / Kep / HK 00.5 / 5/158/2003 Date January 17, 2003. However, Bethany Church History It started Decades before the Church's Standing Operating Tubindo Astra Honda Motor as a separate Synod.Early EstablishmentIn 1978, Bethany Church Rev. Posted established. Prof. DR. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra, at Jalan Manyar rejo II / 36-38, Surabaya. Bethany Church at that time joined Astra Honda Motor as part of the Synod of Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI), so called Astra Honda Motor as "GBI Bethany Church" OR "GBI Bethany". In grazing People GBI Bethany Church husband, Rev.. Prof. DR. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra trigger "Bethany Family Success" Astra Honda Motor as the vision of the Church.DevelopmentIn 1985 Start a chapel built with a capacity of 3,500 people Astra Honda Motor as a place of worship Bethany Church. Center in Jalan Manyar rejo II / 36-38, Surabaya and was completed in 1986.In 1987, construction began vision Graha Bethany, Nginden, Surabaya, with a capacity of 35,000 orangutans and completed in 2000.In 1988, the GBI sent Rev. Bethany Church. Dr Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo to Open Local Church (Branch) in Jakarta.In 1989, the GBI sent Rev. Bethany Church. Dr Ir. Timothy Arifin Tedjasukmana to Open Local Church (Branch) in Denpasar, Bali.Search Google Pages are opening branches, GBI Bethany Church split ministry in Indonesia Become GBI Bethany Church Region Western Indonesia Yang led Posted by Pdt. Dr Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo; Eastern part of Indonesia Posted by Rev. Yang led. Dr. Joshua Hadisiswantoro, MA (son of Rev. Prof. DR .. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra); And Eastern Indonesia Yang led Posted by Pdt. Dr Ir. Timothy Arifin Tedjasukmana. & E Rev. Prof. DR. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra role Astra Honda Motor as the Senior Pastor and also is Astra Honda Motor as Shepherd GBI Bethany Church Fathers.Until 2000, * According to statistics of the Church, claimed HAS founded nearly 1,000 of Local GBI Bethany Church spread throughout Indonesia and abroad, with the Church reached 250,000 Church.
Complexity nama Churchin 1997 (and reinforced at the Synod Assembly of 2000) Synod of Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI) issued a decree that the whole of Local Church Bethel Church Synod joined hearts Indonesia Must take off the names of the Local Church. Article Search Google Thus, the Local Church will be called by the name of GBI Accompanied by nama street / place where the church is located. Husband Name Change Takes Time long enough to be acceptable Posted local congregations in the scope of the Synod of the Church of Bethel Indonesia, including Bethany Church Posted GBI.IN 2002, GBI Bethany Church Region Western Indonesia Yang led Posted by Pdt. Dr Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo states will follow the Synod's decision to lower nama GBI Bethany Church. Husband decision followed Posted whole of Local Church joined hearts Coordination GBI Bethany Church Region Western Indonesia under Rev. Development. Dr Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo. Similarly whole of Local Church joined hearts Coordination GBI Bethany Church The Eastern Indonesia led Pastor. Dr Ir. Timothy Arifin Tedjasukmana decided to abandon the nama. Search Google Pages replacement nama GBI husband Bethany Church in the two regions, followed sSekaligus with stripped vision "Bethany Family Success".But a little different from the GBI Bethany Church Indonesia Region Central Section, Apparently because Pdt. Prof. DR. Abraham Alex Tanuseputra only willing to lose nama GBI Bethany Church, but ia refused to Lose vision of the Church "Bethany Family Success" What has been promoted for many years. Differences husband vision was supported Posted whole Local Church The Church joined hearts Coordination GBI Bethany Indonesia Region Central Section.

Source Wikipedia.org