Gregorian Chant

Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western ballad, a kind of monophonic liturgical hymns of Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual cults. A large collection of this ballad is the oldest known musical because it is the first ballad collection notated in the 10th century. In general, Gregorian chants learned through methods viva voce, by repeating the example orally, which requires many years of experience at the Schola Cantorum. Gregorian Chant sourced from monastic life, where singing 'Holy Worship' nine times a day at certain times upheld according to Rule of Saint Benedict. Sang the verses of the psalm dominate most of the routine of living in a monastic community, while a small group and the soloists sing hymns. In its long history, Gregorian chants has undergone many changes and improvements piecemeal.HistoryGregorian Chant is mainly composed, codified, and notated in the regions of Western Europe and Central Europe ruled the Franks in the 9th century and 10th, with additions and editing-editing later, but the texts and many away from melody-the melody comes from several centuries earlier. Although many people believe that Pope Gregory the Great himself who created the Gregorian chants, scholars now believe that these hymns carry the name of the Pope since Karolingian synthesis that occur in the future between the Roman and the Song Gallika ballad, and at that time profiteer name Gregory I is 'a marketing trick' to give an appearance of divine inspiration so as to produce a liturgical protocol that will be used throughout the empire. One empire, one church, one Song - impression of unity is a fundamental issue in Karolingian era.During the following centuries the Gregorian chants still occupies the heart of church music, where it creates various branches in the sense that the performance of the practices emerging in which new music in the new text introduced or hymns that already exist given extra by way of compile them into Organum. Even polyphonic music that emerged from ancient hymns of lofty in Organa by Leonine and Perotin in Paris (1160-1240) ended with the hymn monophonic and the traditions in the future new composition styles practiced in juxtaposition (or co-habitation ) with monophonic hymns. This practice continued up to the lifetime of Francois Couperin, the masses organs intended to be sung hymns alternated with homofonik. Although it is hardly used anymore after the Baroque period, carol experiencing a revival in the 19th century in the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Anglican Communion.NotationGregorian chants written in a graphical notation that uses a set of special signs called neuma, which shows a basic musical movement (see notation). In the hymn books earlier, giving notation done by abbreviating the words in the sentence poem as far as possible and then imbued neuma-neuma on it. In the next stage is added one or more staves, and in the 11th century also need to show the intervals created notation, which later became the source of the modern notation in five staves that were developed in the 16th century. Song Gregorian is the dominant musical tradition and throughout central Europe and into the roots of the development of music that comes from it, such as the rise of polyphony in the 11th century.SingerGregorian chant is traditionally sung by a choir of men and boys in the churches, or by monks and nuns in the chapel has them. This Song is music of the Roman Rite, sung at Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours monastic. Although the Gregorian chants replace or get rid of traditions original hymns other Western Christian and became the official music of Western Christian liturgy, hymns Ambrosian still used in Milan, and there is also a musicologist who explores both the Gregorian and Ambrosian hymns and canticles owned Mozarabic Christians Spain. Although the Gregorian hymn is no longer required, the Roman Catholic Church still officially considered as the most suitable music for worship. In the 20th century, Gregorian chants experienced a resurgence musicological and popular