Palm Sunday is a Christian feast day which always falls on the Sunday before Easter. This celebration is in the four Gospels, Mark 11: 1-11, Matthew 21: 1-11, Luke 19: 28-44 and John 12: 12-19. This celebration is a celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a holy city or a special thing, because the before Jesus died and rose from the dead. That is why the opening weekend of Palm Sunday is called holy, which focuses on the last week of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the Palm Sunday liturgy, people shared the palm leaves and the Palm church hall filled with ornaments.
Palm leaf is a symbol of victory. The palma leaf brings meaning to the direction of Christian symbols. Palma leaf used to declare victory over the martyr's death. Martyrs are often depicted with a palm leaf in the place or in addition to the instruments of martyrdom. Christ often shows the relationship of palm leaves as a symbol of victory over sin and death. More clearly, it was associated with his triumph into Jerusalem, (John 12: 12-13). The leaves of Palm has a green color, green is the color of herbs and spring. Therefore,
a symbol of victory of spring over winter or life over death, into a
mixture of yellow and blue it also symbolizes charity and registration
of job good soul. When Palm Sunday, people waving palm fronds while singing. This suggests the participation of people with Jesus in procession to Jerusalem. It states the objectives to be achieved in the future: the city of God, where there is peace. Passion Week On Palm Sunday, the church not only commemorate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem but also will commemorate Jesus' suffering. Therefore, Palm Sunday is also called Passion Week. In
the tradition of worship of the church, after the people in procession
frond (waving palm leaves), people will listen to the reading of the
stories of Jesus' passion is taken from the Gospel. Indeed, these stories will be read back in the liturgy of Good Friday but different meanings. The
reading of the passion of Jesus in the liturgy of Palm Sunday meant
that people understand that the glory of Jesus not only lies in the
glory of his entry into Jerusalem, but in the event of his death on the
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