Mystery of Dead Sea Scrolls

Jewish sect of the Essenes hid the scrolls in a cave near their hiding places before fleeing.
What is the meaning of a name? Sometimes names have little meaning, sometimes also means everything. The White Mountains, for example, the entire region is not necessarily white. Rocky Mountains not necessarily too rocky. And, the Dead Sea, although it does not look like the dead, no doubt it is "dead".
The Dead Sea lies between Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian West Bank. He formed by cracks in the Jordan River Valley (Jordan Rift Valley). The lake formed about three million years ago is also known by various names.
The Old Testament calls it "Sea of ​​the Plains". Meanwhile, the Arabs called "Sea of ​​Lot". The Dead Sea has a length of 48 miles or about 77 kilometers and a width of between five and 16 kilometers. The depth of approximately 400 meters.
In the southern part of the lake is lined oval rocky valley of Wadi Arabah amazingly beautiful in Jordan. Fertile Jordan valley visible in the north. Meanwhile, in the western and eastern parts of the mountains of Moab and Judea restricted magnificent. In prehistoric times, may be much greater extent.
Some experts believe the lake has been widely between 321 to 644 square kilometers. The water is expected to ever reach a high of 1,400 meters or 100 meters higher than the Mediterranean Sea. The extent of drought shrinks during earthquake diiikuti incredible.
In 1947, there were important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century in the cave, the Dead Sea Scrolls (Dead Sea Scrolls). There are several versions of the story of the scrolls. The story most often told is the scrolls were discovered by a Bedouin shepherd.
Once upon a time, a shepherd with his friends looking for a lost goat up to a cave on a cliff in the northwest of Qumran. In the cave, they found several jars and rolls. They then bring the rolls to Jerusalem. Someone there realize that they had found something valuable.
Their findings then trigger a mass search in the area around the Dead Sea. As a result, thousands of rolls of the same fragment found. There is a bronze plaque rolled, but most of the scrolls were found made of leather and papyrus.
The fact that the scrolls were just left lying on the ground and can be saved as a miracle. If it were not for the circumstances in which the cave is very dry, it is impossible rolls can still survive.
The most important discovery of the scrolls is the presence of two copies of the Book of Isaiah. One of them contains a complete copy. Both copies were estimated to be a thousand years older than the original manuscripts of the Gospel who is known for. Also found a description of the Book of Habakkuk, a copy of the revelation of Lameh.
At another site found a number of texts that have nothing to do with the scrolls found at Qumran. All the scrolls were found in 1951 in caves at Khirbet Murabbat Mira. Khirbet Mira is in the Kidron Valley north and 11 kilometers south of Qumran.

by : Ani Nursalikah