The people of Qumran and the Messiah
Juma getting a bit tense. Some goat tail climbing too high. He decided to climb the cliff itself and bring the goats back. When
it starts to climb it in January 1947, the Juma did not realize that he
will eventually be involved in a "greatest archaeological discoveries
of the twentieth century." That thought did not cross when
he saw two small openings belonging to one of the thousands of caves
that meets barren cliffs leading to the northwest shore of the Dead Sea.
He threw a stone into one of the openings. Unexpected sound fragments was startled; what's in a remote cave, besides the possibility of treasure? He summoned his cousins, Khalil and Mohammed, who then climb the cliffs and listen to the compelling story. But it was too late and goats must be gathered. Tomorrow
they will come back again - perhaps the only times they had to graze
goats will expire soon after the treasure was found! Mohammed, the youngest of the three, rose the next day in advance of his two fellow 'treasure hunter' and rushed to the cave. The floor of the cave was covered with debris, including broken pottery. Along the walls there are a number of narrow-mouthed jar, partly with a bowl-shaped cover. Frantically,
Muhammed began to explore the contents of each jar, but not found gold
... only a few bundles wrapped in cloth and greenish with age. After returning to his brothers, he told me the bad news - no treasure. Indeed there is no treasure! Scrolls
are taken Bedouin children of the dark cave that day and the next day
would be known as a treasure trove of manuscripts / script largest ever
discovered - the first seven manuscripts from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thus
the discovery of a group of manuscripts which were 1000 years older
than the text of the Hebrew Bible known before the discovery of the
(many of these manuscripts dating back 100 years before the birth of
Jesus). These texts immediately shook the world of
archeology who are preparing a team of translators with a gigantic task
that even to this day have not been resolved. The story of
how the scrolls from the hands of the young Bedouin shepherds to be the
object of thorough research of international scholars is story stranger
than fiction. Although not all the details of the first years after the discovery will never be known for sure, this much is clear. Once stored in a Bedouin tent some time, seven original scrolls were sold to two Arab antique shop in Bethlehem. From there, the four rolls sold (at low prices) to Athanasius Samuel, Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan at St. Mark's Monastery in the Old City of Jerusalem. Experts from the American School of Oriental Research, which is studying it, is that first of all be aware of antiquity. John
Trever photographed them in detail and archaeologist William F.
Albright soon announced that the manuscripts from the period between
200sM up to 200M. Initial announcements that the oldest manuscripts ever found has been discovered in the Judean desert. Three
other original scrolls found by the Bedouin boys were sold to EL
Sukenik, archaeologist at Hebrew University and father of Yigal Yadin
(an Israeli army general who later became a famous archaeologist and
excavator of Masada and Hazor). It should be noted that
this event is very interesting drama because these were the last moments
of the period of the British Mandate in Palestine, and tensions between
Arab and Jewish population is very large. It also causes the manuscripts assessment by experts is very dangerous. All rolls finally collected at the Hebrew University in strange ways as well. After
touring the US with his four scrolls and not find an interested buyer,
Metropolitan Samuel put an ad in the Wall Street Journal (a leading
business newspaper in America, pen.). By coincidence (or divine intervention?) Yigal Yadin was teaching in New York and see these ads. Through intermediaries, he was able to purchase these priceless scrolls at a price of US $ 250,000. In
February of 1955, Israeli Prime Minister announced that the State of
Israel has purchased the scrolls and seven rolls (including three
purchased earlier by Professor Sukenik) will be placed in a special
museum at Hebrew University named the Shrine of the Book (Sparkle Books
), where they can be seen to this day. No doubt, the
initial announcement regarding these scrolls immediately push a lot of
research in the area of the original discovery. Archaeological
expedition officially started in 1949 which finally managed to find ten
additional caves in the surrounding area also contains scrolls. The
archaeologists then directed their attention to a small ruin called
"Khirbet (ruins) Qumran, which was previously thought to be the remains
of an ancient fortress from Roman times. After six seasons of intensive
excavation, experts strongly believe that the scrolls from the community
which appeared between the years 125 BC to 68m. The scrolls are stored
in a hurry in the cave when the community in the area to escape the
onslaught of the Roman soldiers who were in Judea to put down the Jewish
Revolt of 66-70 AD The ruins of Qumran, which can be
visited today, reveals a large number of Jewish ascetic who inhabit the
community. Storage space, aqueducts, ritual baths and meeting rooms have
been unearthed. One of the most interesting rooms uncovered was a
scriptorium, identified by two ink wells found along with some benches
for scribes. In this room that most, if not all, manuscripts found. Explanation Scrolls
Immediately after the announcement of the discovery of scrolls, the
scientific debate about the origin and significance of the discovery of
rolling. Debate heats up when the contents of the amazing rolls gradually disseminated. Seven
original scrolls, which comes from the "Cave of the First", consists of
the following texts: (1) preserved copy of the entire prophecy of
Isaiah - the oldest copies of the Old Testament ever found; (2) Most of the roll of Isaiah; (3) It is the first two chapters of the book of Habakkuk - peanfsir explained the book allegorically Qumran; (4)
"Manual of Discipline" or "Rule of the Community" - the most important
source of information about the religious sect at Qumran - describes the
requirements that must be met by those who want to join the
brotherhood; (5) "Hymn of Thanksgiving, a collection of
'psalm' devotional for thanksgiving and praise to the Lord; (6) an
Aramaic paraphrase of Genesis; and (7)" Rules of War "which contains the
story of the battle between the" Sons of Light "(ie those Qumran) with"
Children of Darkness "(the Romans?) that would occur in" the last days
", which is believed by the people of Qumran will soon arrive. All
seven of the first roll is a new beginning . More than 600 scrolls and
thousands of fragments (part of the book / rolls, translator) has been
found in eleven caves at Qumran area. Fragments of every book in the
Bible except Esther have been found, in addition to the texts of other
non-biblical. One The most interesting discovery is a copper coil that
must be cut before it can be opened and contains a list of 60 treasures
located in various locations in Judea (none of which have never been
found)! Another scroll, which was discovered by Israeli archaeologists
in 1967 under floor of an antiquities dealer in Bethlehem, explaining in
detail the community's view of Temple ritual complex. These rolls are named "Temple Scroll." The
contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that their authors were a
group of priests and laymen pursuing a communal life with full
dedication to God. Their leader is called "Teacher of Righteousness". They see themselves as the only true Israel - only those who are faithful to God's Law. They
opposed the "Wicked Priest" - Jewish High Priest in Jerusalem who
represented the establishment, and in many ways have wronged them. This
wicked priest is probably one of the Maccabean rulers who had
illegitimately assumed the high priesthood between 150-140 BC. Most
scholars have identified the Qumran with the Essenes, a Jewish sect at
the time of Jesus as described by Josephus and Philo. As
with any people of Qumran, their writings give us a marvelous background
picture of one aspect of the religious world into which Jesus came . Some
have sought to draw parallels between the figures in the scrolls and
John the Baptist or Jesus, but an objective examination of such
parallels reveals that the differences far outweigh the similarities. Each relationship between Jesus and the Qumran speculative and highly unlikely. The
view that John the Baptist may have spent some time with the Qumran
community may be because the gospels tell us that he spent a lot of time
in the wilderness near the area where the Qumran community were
(Matthew 3: 1-3; Mark 1: 4, Luke 1: 80; 3: 2-3). However, John's message is very different from the concept developed by the Qumran. The only point in common is that they both taught that the "kingdom of God" was coming. One of the important contributions of the Dead Sea Scrolls are numerous Biblical manuscripts found. Before
the discovery of the Qumran, the oldest manuscripts of the Old
Testament copied in the 9th century and the 10th by a group of Jewish
scribes called the Masoretic. Now we have manuscripts that old 1000 years older than previously. The amazing truth is that these manuscripts are almost identical! This
is a real example of serious attention given by the Jewish scribes for
centuries in an attempt to copy the Bible accurately. We can be sure that the Old Testament really describe the words given to Moses, David and the prophets. DOCTRINE Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran people sincerely believe in the doctrine of the "last days". They
fled into the wilderness, and prepare to face the judgment that will
soon arrive when their enemies are destroyed, and they, the elect of
God, will be given a final victory in accordance with the predictions of
the prophets. Relationship with the end-time events is what gave rise to one of the most fascinating teachings of the sect. Messianic hope to spread the idea of the brotherhood. In
fact, the evidence shows that they actually believed in three messiahs -
one a prophet, another a priest and the third a king or prince. In
a document called "Manual of Discipline" or "Rule of the Community",
explained that the faithful should continue to live under the rule
"until the coming of a prophet and anointed [messiahs] of Aaron and
Israel" (column 9, line 11). These three figures would appear to usher in the age that is being prepared by the community. In
another document found in Cave Four and called "Testimonia", a number
of Old Testament passages as the basis of their messianic hope. The
first is a quote from Deuteronomy 18: 18-19, where God said to Moses,
"I will raise up a prophet for them from among their brethren, like unto
thee." Next is an excerpt from Numbers 24: 15-17, where
Balaam predicted the emergence of a ruling prince: "Star out of Jacob,
and a scepter rise out of Israel, and crush the skulls of Moab" etc. The third is a blessing spoken by Moses to the Levites (priests tribe) in Deuteronomy 33: 8-11. The
way these three quotations are brought together suggests that the
writer looked forward to the advent of a great prophet, a great prince
and high priest. There were three people in the Old
Testament writings referred to as the "anointed ones" - prophet, priest
and king (see Exodus 29:29; 1 Sam 16:13, 24: 6, 1Ki 19:16, Psalm 105:
15). Each consecrated to his work by the anointing oil. The Hebrew word for "anointed" is meshiach, and from the word the word Messiah. marvelous
truth of the New Testament doctrine of the Messiah is that each of
these three offices was fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus of
Nazareth! People were stunned when he fed the crowd and said, "This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world." (John 6:14; also John 7:40; Acts 3:22, 7:37). Jesus
was also a priest, not according to the rules of Levi, but the order of
Melchizedek (Ps 110: 4; Heb 7), who offered Himself as a sacrifice and
stand up for us before His Father (Heb 9: 24-26; 10: 11- 12). Also,
Jesus was referred to as the person who will receive the "throne of
David, his ancestor, and he will be king over the house of Jacob
forever, and of His kingdom will never end." (Luke 1: 32-33). He will be recognized as the "King of kings and Lord of lords." (Revelation 19:16). Thus,
we have found an interesting point of contact between Qumran and
Christianity - the contact point which is also the dividing point. Qumran
community and the early Christians agree that the days of the
fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies will appear a great prophet,
priest and king great. But these three different characters
in the Qumran expectation, while the New Testament saw unified in the
person of Jesus of Nazareth. One more manuscript that emerged in the last few years provide interesting background on the New Testament messianic hope. It has been reconstructed from 12 small fragments, no more than two columns of writing; but the idea can be seen from the brief contents. Its
content is forecast birth of a Boy Wonder, perhaps taken from Isaiah 9:
6-7: "For unto us a child is born to us, a son is given to us ... and
he will be called Wonderful Counselor." This child will bear special marks on his body and will be known by wisdom and intelligence. He
will be able to know the secrets of all living things and he will begin
a new era that has long been awaited by people of faith. Do
not surprising that soon after this manuscript was composed, a child
was born who fulfilled the hopes of Israel and the start of a new era? Although
the people of Qumran were mistaken in the details of their messiah,
they expect someone who traits generally illustrated by the life of
Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and the Messiah. We do not know whether the number of Christians to bring the message of Jesus to this wilderness community. We can only speculate on how they respond to the Wonderful Child born in Bethlehem who is Prophet, Priest and King of Israel. Translators: Djie Tjia Kian Author:
Will Varner, used with permission Associates for Biblical Research (Dr.
Will Varner is Professor of Old Testament at The The Master's College
and Director of IBEX, the university campus in Israel. Previously he was
serving with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and continues to
contribute articles for their publications, Israel My Glory. Copyrighted
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc. Used with permission). archaeological discovery of what most affects the Bible of all time?
"Perhaps the Dead Sea Scrolls provide the greatest influence on the
Bible. The rolls are giving old manuscripts of the Old Testament 1000
years older than the oldest manuscripts that we had before. The Dead Sea
Scrolls exhibit that the Old Testament accurately copied during that
interval. In addition, the rolls also provide a lot of information about the era before and during the coming of Christ. " --Dr. Bryant Wood, an archaeologist, Associates for Biblical Research