Answer: The History of the Baptist Church is quite complicated as it includes a wide range of flow and understand that helped shape the organization of the Baptist church. In addition, there are three groups of church historian who has a different view of the beginning of the history of the Baptist Church.
The first group, emerged in the early 19th century. They say that the Baptist church began in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. They say Baptist Church was the first church and original. So Baptists not Protestant churches (reform) and has nothing to do with the Anabaptists because existed long before the reform.
The second group, emerged in the late 19th century, is a critique of the first group. According to them there is no real continuity between John the Baptist and Baptist church. Baptist Church rooted in the Anabaptist movement in Munster, Germany, which is one of the radical wing of the reform
The third group, said that the line of the Baptist church history is not disjointed from the beginning until now, began in the early 17th century. They acknowledge the existence of a relationship between a Baptist church with the Anabaptists., Despite having differences.
In tracing the history of versions of this third group of historians found that the Baptist church started by Ps. John Smyth (1554-1612) of an independent church in the Netherlands. After meeting with Menno Simon. Smyth doubt infant baptism and rebaptized himself. Smyth along with some of its members went on to become members of one of the Mennonite church. Not all his colleagues agree with Smyth steps are members of the Mennonite church and embrace baptism submarines, including the Thomas Helwys (1550-1616). Thomas Helwys later became their leader and bring understanding to the British Baptist. The first Baptist church in England was founded in 1612. Smyth itself retains its founding until his death in the Netherlands in August 1616. Although it does not come back to the UK, in the history of the Baptist churches Smyth still revered as the founder of the formation of clumps of Baptists
The first group, emerged in the early 19th century. They say that the Baptist church began in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. They say Baptist Church was the first church and original. So Baptists not Protestant churches (reform) and has nothing to do with the Anabaptists because existed long before the reform.
The second group, emerged in the late 19th century, is a critique of the first group. According to them there is no real continuity between John the Baptist and Baptist church. Baptist Church rooted in the Anabaptist movement in Munster, Germany, which is one of the radical wing of the reform
The third group, said that the line of the Baptist church history is not disjointed from the beginning until now, began in the early 17th century. They acknowledge the existence of a relationship between a Baptist church with the Anabaptists., Despite having differences.
In tracing the history of versions of this third group of historians found that the Baptist church started by Ps. John Smyth (1554-1612) of an independent church in the Netherlands. After meeting with Menno Simon. Smyth doubt infant baptism and rebaptized himself. Smyth along with some of its members went on to become members of one of the Mennonite church. Not all his colleagues agree with Smyth steps are members of the Mennonite church and embrace baptism submarines, including the Thomas Helwys (1550-1616). Thomas Helwys later became their leader and bring understanding to the British Baptist. The first Baptist church in England was founded in 1612. Smyth itself retains its founding until his death in the Netherlands in August 1616. Although it does not come back to the UK, in the history of the Baptist churches Smyth still revered as the founder of the formation of clumps of Baptists
Q: Then, how is the development of the Baptist Church?
Answer: The first Baptist Church in England led by Helwys survive with difficulty because the official church that existed at that time assess this new church brings heresy. They use the services of the government to suppress the Baptists. Helwys died of oppression in the year 1616. Until the 1640s decade, and understand Baptist church is still considered as a radical sect, even heretical and therefore violently crushed. New in the reign of Oliver Cromwell in the second half of the 1640s decade, until the next decade, and Baptist churches get fresh air so that it can grow and begin to get a clear place in the church life in the UK. While it appears also flows the other Baptists.
In a later development, Baptists also entered the United States in 1639. Baptist church in America grew through the first revival of 1734-1750. In about the 1800s there was a revival both Baptists and eventually became the largest Protestant school in America.
Q: What is the history of the Baptist church in Indonesia?
Answer: In Indonesia, Baptists emerged as evangelism conducted by the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) which was established enumerated by William Carey in 1792. At the time of British rule, BMS has worked in Indonesia (in Ambon and ground Batak). The next Evangelism comes from Australia (who worked in Papua since 1938) and in 1952 came the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) of America. Besides it came also the independent Baptist missionaries (not bound by any evangelism lembagai) are respectively set up an autonomous church in Indonesia.
Q: What is the content of the teachings of the Baptist church?
Answer: In accordance with the opinion of John Smyth, the teaching of Calvinist Baptist church. Baptism was originally done by sprinkling, but since 1644 enacted defined baptism by immersion as the only valid baptism.
Clumps Baptists often referred to as a church that embraces non-creedal theology, that is to say not very dependent on the formulation of the creed as Protestant churches in general. Hence the Sunday services there pengikraran creed.
Some of the principal teachings are:
a. Bible
The Bible is the Word of GOD is revealed, the only source of true doctrine, rule of faith and conduct. The Bible is the ultimate authority to determine the truth of religion.
b. Church
The Church is understood as a communion of persons who have been saved by the sacrifice and redemption GOD CHRIST. People who are worthy of being a member of the church is people who have repented and been born again, and who have been baptized by immersion
c. Position of the Church
In the church there may be a wide variety of church positions, but all positions along with procedures for the selection, appointment and ordination should be guided by the Bible, particularly the New Testament. All members of the church are priests who together serve actively in the fellowship.
d. Signs of Determination (Ordinances)
According to the Bible, there are only two qualified determination biblical baptism and communion are set directly by Christ and implemented by the New Testament church. Baptism should be by immersion and only administered to adults who are able to understand and express their faith. Baptism is administered in the name of GOD Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Communion is essentially pengenangan (memorial). Lord's Supper is a symbolic ceremony to remember the sacrifice and death of Christ. Pengenangan is once again reminded the congregation of the presence of Christ in the present and the coming of His return, as promised IA. Which may follow the Lord's Supper is a person who has been baptized.
e. Independence of each congregation
Independence of each congregation is a manifestation of the true church. Each local church is an autonomous body and must be democratically organized under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and teaching of Jesus Christ. The Church should not be subject to the government agency or any religious organization, but only subject to Jesus Christ, who is the head of each congregation.
f. The Church must be separated from the state
The Church must be separated from the state and must be guaranteed freedom of religion for every person. Church or congregation is not subject to the power of the state government. The state should not interfere in the affairs of the church and opposite the church also should not interfere in the affairs of the state, because each has a service area (power). Countries should not use violence crack certain religious groups as considered deviant or heretical. Problem belief or faith it is a private matter for each individual created as free beings. Therefore tolerance and religious freedom should be guaranteed in the life of the state and society.
Q: With respect to the history of the Baptist church along with some of the basic teachings of the above, can be concluded that in fact the church reform movement developed to form a container and a different direction?
Answer: True. The more the church grow increasingly diverse, therefore wait for introductions to other churches in the "Take and Read" an upcoming issue.
1. Aritonang, J.S, Berbagai aliran di dalam dan di Sekitar Gereja, Jakarta, BPK Gunung Mulia, 1995.
2. Lembaga Pembinaan dan Pengaderan Sinode GKJ dan GKI Jateng, Mengenal Pluralitas Kekristenan, 1998.