Talpiot tomb is a tomb discovered in Talpiot, Israel. The tomb is believed to be the tomb of Jesus and family. Talpiot is located in the south of the Old City of Jerusalem. Inside was found 10 ossuaries (bone casket made of limestone) old age of the period of pre-AD 70, the end of the first Jewish War against Rome. Since the excavation was no further investigation of this tomb. In a BBC documentary / CTVC entitled The Body in Question and aired in the UK on Easter Sunday, 1996, there were reports of very brief about this tomb. Because it is too short, this report go away.
This meal was originally excavated cave in the period 1 to 11 April 1980 by archaeologist Amos Kloner, Joseph Gath, Eliot Braun, and Shimon Gibson under the supervision of the Israel Antiquities Authority (OIC). Since then the continuous investigation.
In 1980 excavations found 10 ossuaries from the Talpiot tomb. However, today, the OIC only have nine ossuaries from the Talpiot tomb, the ossuaries have otherwise been lost. In 1980 excavation of the bones in all the ossuaries have been submitted to the local authority for Orthodox Jews reburied.
Of the nine ossuaries, three of whom have no ossuary inscription, while the other six inscription:
"Jesus son of Joseph" (Aramaic)
"Maria" (Aramaic)
"Mariamene e Mara" ("Mary the master") (Greece)
"Joses" (Aramaic)
"Matthew" (Aramaic)
"Judas son of Jesus" (Aramaic). K
The first four names already known as the names that appear in the New Testament, both as members of the family of Jesus (Mark 6: 3) as well as a close to him (Mariamene e Mara is considered by some as Mary Magdalene). Presumption "Mariamene e Mara" as Mary Magdalene, is because it is considered the same as Mariamne in Gnostic texts Acts of Philip (Acts of Phillip) refers to speech translator Francois Bovon Acts of Philip into English, which never mentions that Mariamne is similar to Mary Magdalene contained in Gnostic texts Manichean Psalms, the Gospel of Mary, and Pistis Sophia. But Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic texts are not the same picture as in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Mary and other Gnostic repertoire not called Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. Mariamne in the Acts of Philip the evangelist, teacher and also baptize, and perform celibacy, so Bovon deny that Mariamne then identified with Mary Magdalene in the New Testament Gospels especially as the wife of Jesus. The name "Matthew" appears in the "genealogy of Jesus" (Matthew 1 and Luke 3) as the grandfather of Joseph father of Jesus, and also in Mark 2:14 as the "son of Alphaeus (Clophas)". Alpheus or Clophas, according to James Tabor, was the brother of Joseph, the legal father of Jesus, because Tabor theorized that after the death of Joseph, Cleopas marrying Mary Magdalene. So, "Matthew" is considered by Tabor included in the family of Jesus (Tabor because this hypothesis should remember much Matthew about Jesus). Only the name "Judas son of Jesus" which does not appear in the New Testament.
James Ossuary
On October 21, 2002 in Washington, DC, Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archeology Review famous, and the Discovery Channel announced it had found an Aramaic ossuary inscribed "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus". The James Ossuary, which is owned by Oded Golan (born antique dealer Tel Aviv), immediately famous throughout the world. This ossuary, when it was returned to Israel after exhibited among others at the Royal Ontario Museum seized by the OIC, and Oded Golan was arrested on charges of falsifying the inscription on the ossuary was based on test results isotopes Prof. Yuval Goren has dilakuan, geologists from the University of Tel Aviv. In January 2007, in the courtroom of Israel on Oded Golan, Prof. Goren stated that the possibility of two letters of the name "Yeshua" (Jesus) in Aramaic inscription on the James Ossuary, there are layers of patina of the original minerals and old age. But Yuval Goren reject that whole original sentence. James, son of Joseph different sentence writing the 'brother of Jesus,' so most likely written by two different people. Oded Golan tried by an Israeli court for over a dozen years has been suspected of forgery inscription antiques to jack up the price, and in his study found the tools and antiques that are in the process of engineering inscriptions.
In the meantime, Tabor and Jacobovici believes there is a possibility that the ossuaries that have been lost from the Talpiot tomb is the James Ossuary. Shimon Gibson himself thought there was a possibility that the James Ossuary 11th ossuary from the Talpiot tomb that had been stolen from the tomb before excavation carried out in 1980. When measured again, it was found the size of the James Ossuary is equal to the size of the ossuary that had lost it. However, according to Amos Kloner, who led the Talpiot tomb excavation, mentioned that the missing ossuary of different sizes are considered to belong to James, let alone asuarium to-10 was innocent and did not contain any inscriptions. The remains of the bones of James still available. If DNA testing allowed by the OIC to be done on human residue James (until now still not given permission OIC), and if it is proved that James DNA match with the DNA of Jesus (which is already known), it is possible that the Talpiot tomb in the family is a family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus had a brother of the father, whose name was James, as recorded both by the Christian tradition (Galatians 1:19; Mark 6: 3) and by Josephus, the Jewish historian. Thesis James Tabor (Jesus Dynasty) This is rather ambiguous because Tabor theorize that Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph but the son of a Roman soldier named Panthera and Jesus' foster child who married Mary Cleophas after Joseph died. In the New Testament Jesus is not known as the 'son of Joseph' but 'Jesus of Nazareth.
Examination of DNA
DNA testing can still be done by using the remnants of organic sediment from human residue attached to the surfaces of the inner wall or to the bottom of the ossuaries. In 2005 Dr. Carney Matheson and his team from the Paleo-DNA Laboratory at Lakehead University in Ontario has examined the mitochondrial DNA of the human residue of "Jesus son of Joseph" and "Mariamene e Mara". From this study found a relationship between the DNA of Jesus son of Joseph, Mary and Judas the son of Jesus and there were no maternal brotherly relations between "Jesus" and "Mariamene e Mara". That is, Mariamene e Mara of the Talpiot tomb is not the mother of Jesus, and also not her siblings. It could be, because it was found in the family tomb, Mariamene e Mara in the Talpiot tomb is attributed as the wife of Jesus and Matheson not express anything except that the DNA of Jesus son of Joseph not siblings with Mariamene e Mara.
Book and Documentary
James D Tabor through his book published in 2006, The Jesus Dynasty, raised the Talpiot tomb significance for the study of Jesus. Discovery Channel on March 4, 2007 in the United States, Canada, Britain, Israel, and Europe aired a documentary called The Lost Tomb of Jesus with executive producer James Cameron. Thesis submitted this movie: Talpiot tomb is truly a family tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. On the site of the discovery site www.discovery.com also shown the tomb of Jesus and the Holy Family.
In the same time (February 2007) Simcha Jacobovici and Charles Pellegrino published the book The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery, the Investigation, and the Evidence That Could Change History.
There is also a documentary film titled The Burial Cave Of Jezus which was released as a collaboration of Simcha Jacobovici (Canadian film loader but bloody Israel), and James Cameron (winner of three Oscars, and filmmaker Titanic and The Terminator). Regarding the documentary "The Lost Tomb of Jesus', conducted a press conference on February 26, 2007 in New York and on March 4, 2007 the film was screened at the Discovery Channel.
Magazine Haarlems Dagblad, published February 23, 2007 and then inform clearer. The publication contains a report of a Canadian documentary filmmaker. In a press conference he believes it has found the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth origin. He assured that the investigation has taken quite a long time. The investigation was even conducted by a team consisting of a variety of disciplines, including archaeologists, historians, scholars of ancient writings and DNA specialists.
In a research report said, the graves were found to be in Talpiot, which is still in the area of Jerusalem. In a small cave is believed to be the tomb, the team of researchers found 10 rest - the rest of the coffin. Where the names of over the remains of the coffin. The names were found, including: Jesus, son of Joseph; Judah, son of Jesus; and two times the name of Mary, the question is Maria e Mara and Mary the mother of Jesus. Not surprisingly, this horrendous discovery soon became national headlines Israeli daily, Yediot Ahronot.
source wikipedia.org