Pentecostal Church in Indonesia can not be separated from the arrival
of two missionary families of Bethel Temple Church Seattle, USA to
Indonesia in 1921 that Rev. Cornelius Groesbeek and Rev. Richard Van Klaveren Dutch descent who immigrated to America. From
Bali, the service switched to Surabaya in Java in 1922, then to the
Cepu oil town in 1923. In this city FG Van Gessel employees BPM repent
and filled with the Holy Spirit accompanied / followed by many sons -
another daughter of Indonesia, among others: HN Runkat, J. Repi, A. Tambuwun, J. Lumenta, E. Lesnusa, GA Yokom, R.Mangindaan, W. Mamahit, SIP Lumoindong and AE Siwi which later became pioneers of the Pentecostal movement in Indonesia.Because
of rapid progress, then on June 4, 1924 the Dutch government recognizes
the existence of "De Pinkster Gemeente in Nederlansch Indie" as a
"Vereeniging" (associations) are valid. And by the power of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of service is high, then the new churches started to grow everywhere.Dated
June 4, 1937, the government increased its recognition to the
Pentecostal movement became "Kerkgenootschap" (community of the church)
by Gazette 1927 number 156 and 523, with the Government Beslit 33 dated
June 4, 1937 Staadblad number 768 name "pinkster Gemente" turned into
"Pinksterkerk in Nederlansch Indie ". At the time of the Japanese occupation in 1942, the Dutch name was changed to "Pentecostal Church in Indonesia". When the Chairman of the Board Pengoeroes Oemoem (Central Council) is Pastor. H.N Runkat.In
addition to the development of several divisions should also be noted
that later gave birth to new churches where the founders came from
people GPdI include: Rev. Liong Ho Seng (DR.HL Senduk) Church founder Rev. GBI are shared. Van Gessel in 1950 split with GPdI and establish GBIS, Pdt. Isaac Lew in 1959 came out and set up GPPS, earlier in 1936 Missionary RM Devin and R. Busby out and form the Assemblies of God, Rev. 1946. Hok Tan Tjoan split and formed the Church of Jesus Christ, and so forth.The role of the pioneers was memorable, because as they struggle GPdI tree has grown with dense, they include: Rev. H.N. Runkat that crisscross the fields in Java, (Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, etc.), 1929 Pastor. Repi and Rev. Julian. A. Tambuwun followed by Ps. A. Yokom, Pdt. Lumenta, Pdt. Runtuwailan pounding North Sulawesi, 1939, from North Sulawesi / Ternante Pdt. E. Lesnussa to Napier and surrounding areas. Rev. 1926. Nanlohy reach the Moluccas (Amahasa) which was followed by Ps. Yoop Siloey, etc.Rev. 1928. SIP Lumoindong to Yogyakarta in 1933 Pdt. A.E. Siwi sow to the island of Sumatra (South Sumatra, Lampung, West Sumatra and then in 1939 to Sumatra), 1932 Pastor. RM Soeprapto start assist services in Blitar then Singosari dsk, 1937 to Sitiarjo South Malang. Rev. 1935. Siloey et al, pioneering services to Kupang NTT, 1930 Ps. De Boer followed Pastor. E. Pattyradjawane and AF Wessel to East Kalimantan. Rev. 1940. JMP coal fields of West Kalimantan slashes (Pontianak), Rev. Yonathan ITAR Gospel Pentecostal pioneer in Irian Jaya, and others that can not be mentioned one by one. By their sacrifice GPdI grew rapidly.
Organizational Structure GPdITop Forum forums GPdI is Great Council held 5 years. In
addition to establishing Work Program Outline (GBPK), congress also
serves choose Leadership National GPdI called Central Council. Central
Council now consists of as many as 24 people: A Chairman, some of the
Chairman, the Secretary-General A, some of the Secretary, a Treasurer, a
few people Treasurer, and the other lead departments, namely:
Department of Evangelism, Pastoral, Education & Teaching, Organization, Church Growth, Diakonia, DevelopmentThen
lift the Central Council board-board container national level called
the Central Commission has 9 pieces, namely: Children's Services
Pentecost (PELNAP), Pentecostal Youth Services (PELRAP), Pentecostal
Youth Services (PELPAP), Pentecostal Women Services (PELWAP), Service
Men Pentecostal (PELPRIP), Professional Services & Entrepreneurship Pentecost
(PELPRUP), Children's Services Children's Servant (PELAHT), Pentecostal
Student Services (PELMAP), Central Pentecostal Evangelism Commission.After
the congress was held, then each region held a Regional Council (Musda)
which aims, among others, chose the leadership level of the area called
the Regional Assembly. GPdI
now has 32 Regional Assembly, at home and abroad, as follows: MD-NAD
North Sumatra, West Sumatra MD, MD Riau, Riau Islands MD, MD Jambi,
South Sumatra MD, MD Bengkulu, MD Bangka-Belitung, MD Lampung, Banten
MD, MD Jakarta,
MD West Java, Central Java MD, MD Yogyakarta, East Java MD, MD Bali /
NTB, NTT MD, MD West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan MD, MD East
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan MD, MD Sulselbar, MD Southeast Sulawesi,
Central Sulawesi MD, MD North Sulawesi, MD Gorontalo, North Maluku MD, MD Maluku, Papua MD, MD Australia, MD West Coast USA, MD East Coast USA.Once elected, each MD also assign administrators containers as needed regional level called the Regional Commission. In
addition, MD also establish Regional Assemblies as needed, and the
County Council will establish a container board at the regional level,
called Regional Commission. Each
Regional Council in charge of the shepherds who became the main base
GPdI services, and every shepherd raised container board congregation