Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter, on the Feast of Holy Week is Christians have a tradition of commemorating the Last Supper led by Jesus. Today is one of the most important day in the Church calendar. This is the first day of the feast of the Passover, which begins at 6 pm, and lasts 7 days. Holy Thursday is also called Holy Thursday. (English: Holy Thursday). Ritual Supper after this at every Mass or Eucharist is celebrated as the services or Holy Communion. On this evening Mass, the priest also wash your feet as Jesus 'warning people who washes the feet of his disciples in the Last Supper, Jesus' ministry in the world before his death.

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday or Saturday or Saturday Silence Silence ( Latin : Sanctum Sabbatum - "Day Sabbath Holy ") is the day after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday . Holy Saturday is the last day of Holy Week is celebrated by Christians as a preparation for the celebration of Easter . Holy Saturday commemorates the day when the body of Jesus Christ was laid in the grave after death on Good Friday crucifixion .

Good Friday

Good Friday is day Friday before Easter Sunday , the anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the death on Golgotha ​​.
The day of death itself is not recorded clearly in the Bible . Some suspect fell on Wednesday, but more are putting on Friday. Based on the scriptural details regarding the Sanhedrin Court on Jesus , and scientific analysis, the crucifixion of Jesus is very likely to occur on Friday, but the date of occurrence is not known with certainty, and lately is expected to occur in the year 33 AD , by two groups of scientists, and previously expected to happen in the year 34 AD by Isaac Newton via the calculation of the difference-the difference between the Jewish calendar and the Julian calendar and the magnitude of the crescent.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian feast day which always falls on the Sunday before Easter. This celebration is in the four Gospels, Mark 11: 1-11, Matthew 21: 1-11, Luke 19: 28-44 and John 12: 12-19. This celebration is a celebration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a holy city or a special thing, because the before Jesus died and rose from the dead. That is why the opening weekend of Palm Sunday is called holy, which focuses on the last week of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the Palm Sunday liturgy, people shared the palm leaves and the Palm church hall filled with ornaments.

10 Tips to Lead Praise and Worship

Berikut ini adalah 10 tips teratas yang perlu diketahui bagi seseorang yang melayani sebagai pemimpin pujian dan penyembahan. 
1. Jangan Terlambat
Menurut pendapat saya, tidak ada alasan sesederhana apapun untuk keterlambatan yang fatal. Keterlambatan terjadi sesekali untuk kita semua, namun keterlambatan fatal adalah tanda bahwa ada sesuatu yang keluar dari yang seharusnya dalam hidup seseorang – entah itu kebanggaan, organisasi, prioritas, komitmen berlebihan. Apapun alasannya, hal demikian tidak menghormati Allah untuk orang lain secara teratur. Jika Anda berjuang dengan ini, buatlah ini menjadi prioritas utama untuk dihadapi.
2. Memimpin secara Individu
Tidak ada aturan yang mencakup semuanya yang berhubungan orang-orang. Cara Anda berurusan dengan satu penyanyi dalam tim Anda mungkin tidak cocok untuk penyanyi yang lain. Kenali anggota tim Anda secara individual - apa yang membuat mereka tergerak, apa yang mereka sukai, dinamika keluarga dan pekerjaan yang membawa ke sebuah persamaan. Berikan waktu ekstra dan kasih karunia bagi mereka yang membutuhkannya. Harapan dan metode Anda harus cukup fleksibel untuk memungkinkan berbagai jenis kepribadian untuk hidup berdampingan dalam pelayanan Anda.
3. Adalah Lebih Baik untuk Menghentikan Nyanyian
Suara gitar yang benar-benar fals? Berhentilah. Apakah pemain drum Anda memulai bermain di 3/4 bukannya 4/4? Berhentilah. Apakah para penyanyi menyanyikan lagu berbeda dari lagu yang band mainkan? Berhentilah. Terlalu sering, mentalitas pertunjukkan kita mendikte bahwa kita seharusnya berpura-pura bahwa tidak ada yang salah sehingga penonton tidak akan melihat. Mereka memperhatikan. Hanya berhentilah dan perbaikilah.
4. Berikan Wewenang untuk Berkreasi
Apakah Anda satu-satunya orang dalam tim Anda membuat keputusan tentang kreatifitas? Anda keliru. Mulai berikan kesempatan bagi anggota tim Anda masukan dan wewenang tentang kreatifitas. Mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk bekerja dalam standard yang Anda tetapkan, tetapi pada akhirnya, mereka akan bersinar ketika diberikan kepemilikan atas beberapa ekspresi yang kreatif. Gembala saya, Rick Warren, menulis, "Ketika Anda memberikan wewenang dengan tanggung jawab, Anda akan kagum pada kreatifitas orang-orang Anda."
5. Jangan Biarkan Trend mendikte Tujuan
Hanya karena lagu penyembahan yang terbaru dan terhebat adalah musik rock bukan berarti jemaat Anda tidak bisa lagi menyembah Tuhan dengan himne favorit mereka. Kondisi ekonomi manusia membuat kita percaya Tuhan sangat peduli dengan trend - Dia tidaklah demikian. Dia sudah mendengar mode terbaru jauh sebelum mode itu keluar. Dan selain itu, mode didasarkan pada generalisasi yang seringkali mudah dibantah. Misalnya, pujian dan penyembahan modern, yang bisa dibilang paling banyak dipengaruhi oleh musik U2, cenderung dipasarkan ke arah massa berusia 18-30. Tapi U2 muncul di awal 80-an, yang berarti musik mereka sama relevan dengan orang-orang di usia 40-an dan 50-an. Usia, gaya, tempo, volume, instrument - itu semua ada untuk diraih. Jangan mudah dipengaruhi oleh trend. 
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Here are 10 top tips to keep in mind for a person who serves as the leader of praise and worship.

1. Never Too Late
In my opinion, there is no simple reason whatsoever to delay fatal. Delays occur occasionally for us all, but fatal delay is a sign that there is something out of that should in a person's life - whether it be pride, organization, priorities, excessive commitments. Whatever the reason, it thus does not honor God for other people on a regular basis. If you are struggling with this, make it a top priority to deal with.

Jingle Bells

"Jingle Bells" is one of the most known songs and most often sung during the winter holidays in the world. The song was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822-1893) and published under the title "One Horse Open Sleigh" in the fall of 1857. Although this song has now become a standard Christmas song, this song was originally created to be sung on Thanks giving Day in the United States CompositionYear and place of James Lord Pierpont create songs that became known as "Jingle Bells" actually was still filled with questions. However, there is a plaque in 19 High Street in Medford Square, Medford,

Christmas tree

The habit of installing a Christmas tree as decoration starts from Germany . Installation of a Christmas tree that is generally of a tree pine , spruce or adapted form, it began in the 16th century.
When the German population spread to many regions including America , they were often put up evergreen trees belonging evergreens for Christmas decorations in the house. From existing records, the Germans in Pennsylvania United States displaying a Christmas tree for the first time in the 1830s .

John Apostle

John (Greek Ιωάννης - Ioannes; "God is good / free-wheeling"), is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He was the son of Zebedee. His mother is believed to be named Salome. John is the brother of James apostle which also includes the twelve apostles. In the Gospel, John and James called Boanerges, which means "sons of thunder". Tradition believe he is the author of several books in the Bible: The Gospel of John, three letters (Letter 1 John, 2 John Letter, Letter 3 John) and the Book of Revelation.

Gregorian Chant

Gregorian chant is the central tradition of Western ballad, a kind of monophonic liturgical hymns of Western Christianity that accompanied the celebration of Mass and other ritual cults. A large collection of this ballad is the oldest known musical because it is the first ballad collection notated in the 10th century. In general, Gregorian chants learned through methods viva voce, by repeating the example orally, which requires many years of experience at the Schola Cantorum. Gregorian Chant sourced from monastic life, where singing 'Holy Worship' nine times a day at certain times upheld according to Rule of Saint Benedict. Sang the verses of the psalm dominate most of the routine of living in a monastic community, while a small group and the soloists sing hymns. In its long history, Gregorian chants has undergone many changes and improvements piecemeal.